decept11.txt DECEPTIVE MOVEMENTS CHAPTER 11 Ron picked up the phone and listen for a few seconds. Donna couldn't hear what he was saying, but from the way he looked up at her once or twice during the call, she was positive it was about her. It didn't take her more than a few seconds to know that Ron was now finding out about John. Ron hung the phone up and promptly called for her. "Donna! Come in here please." She walked into his study and stood in front of his desk waiting for what was about to happen. "Sit down, Donna" he said. Donna seated herself meekly in the large, oak chair. she put her hands in her lap and bowed her head. "That was Jennifer on the telephone. It seems that we have a problem on our hands, young lady." He said sternly. "Yes sir, I should not have hidden it from you. I apologize for that." "Well, it would have been nice to know that you wouldn't keep secrets from me. And we'll speak about that little indiscretion as well." Donna looked up in confusion. "As well? I don't understand." "There is sufficient reason to believe that John is up to something no good where Laurie is concerned. She's going to need your help to find out what it is." "Oh, i'd do anything for Laurie! What do you want me to do?" "First of all, how often does John ask you about Laurie?" Donna thought for a moment. "Now that I think about it, all the time. He seems to want to know everything about her." Ron nodded thoughtfully. "Alright, this is what I want you to do.. Go on your usual date with him. But THIS time you're going to tell him that Laurie's business fell apart on her. Make up all sorts of stories about how you're out of work, and so on." Donna nodded. "OK, but what does Laurie think he's trying to do?" She wanted to know. "They're not positive, but they think he's trying to work his way into her life and take her business from her." Donna had become disillusioned about her new boyfriend. She found it hard to believe that John would do something so nasty as that. "Now, let's discuss this other little problem." He said, gazing over her with his piercing eyes. Instinctively, Donna let her eyes drop. "Yes, sir." She said under her breath. "Donna, how can you feel that you have to hide anything from me?" "I don't know. I didn't want to you to get mad about it." He clicked his tongue. "That's the silliest thing i've ever heard, young lady. You know good and well that I have never stopped you from doing whatever you wanted to do." His tone and demeanor were stern. But disappointment with her could also be heard in his voice, possibly a bit of hurt as well. "I know, i'm very sorry that I deceived you." She said. "I think you know that sorry isn't going to be enough, don't you?" Donna pouted and studied her hands in her lap. "No sir, I should be punished." She said softly. "Look at me, Donna." He said shortly, Donna looked up at him. "What did you just say?" he asked. "I said I should be punished, sir.".. "Yes you should be." Donna bowed her head again. "Should I wait in my room for you, sir?" "No, i'm not going to punish you, Donna. I just want you to know that you never have to be afraid to tell me anything." Ron felt that Donna was hurt enough by hearing exactly what her new boyfriend was up to. "But after you see John again, you're going to have to decide for yourself what to do about him. No one can tell you what to do with your life." Donna shook her head sadly. "I don't want to believe it's true. But if it is, I know I wouldn't want to be with him again." Ron chuckled at her. "I do think my baby girl is growing up." Donna smiled. "I'm just disappointed." She confessed to him. "Yes, people don't always do things for the nicest of reasons." He said knowingly. "Oh yes, I think you can do with a bit of good news, today" Donna looked up at him. "What's that?" Ron looked at her slyly.. "Laurie should tell you herself, but I want to see your face." "Well what is it??" Donna asked breathlessly. "Well...." He said then paused. " Laurie's business is doing so well, that she's decided to change things around. And, since you were the one most responsible for her success... She's decided to make you a supervisor." Donna's face lit up in happiness. "You and her will probably hire at least 4 people as helpers." "Oh that's great!" Donna cried out. "I have to call her right now!" She jumped up and ran out of the room, Ron watched her and laughed to himself. Two nights later, Donna went to John's apartment and carried out their plan. It had hurt her terribly, but John made some lame excuse about not feeling well and asked her if he could get a raincheck. When Donna had left, he got on the phone and called Laurie right away. Jennifer answered the phone and told him that Laurie had taken a sedative and was sleeping. "Well is she alright?" He asked. Jennifer sighed from the other end of the line. "No she isn't. Her decorating business fell apart on her. She's quite upset. Listen, can I tell her you called?" "Yeah." He said grimly as he hung up the phone. It should come as no surprise that no one heard from John again. Jennifer had Laurie and Cheryl dress in the maid's outfits that Laurie had. They spent the better part of 6 hours that morning and afternoon preparing for the evening. The party at Von Kerr's house had been a topic of excited conversation for several people during the last two weeks. Now, as I don't intend to write a 3rd book in this series, I don't want anyone hanging as to what may have happened to some of the characters you've seen here. Then again, I just might write a 3rd book. Anyhow, Getting out of the pits as it were, was just the thing to bounce Laurie back into her usual vitality. Donna and Cheryl did a very good job in the field, and Laurie was quite happy with the people they had hired. Von Kerr's house was not a house at all. It was a 16 room mansion guarded by an imposing brick wall and an iron gate. Jennifer drove to the gate and was admitted after showing the guard her invitation for the party. She drove up to the house and pulled up next to a parking attendant. Jennifer turned to look at Laurie in the back seat. "Makes you want to get to know the Baron better, doesn't it?" Laurie giggled at her as she looked around in awe. They all got out of the car and were ushered to the door. They walked through the french doors that led inside and found themselves standing in the largest and most elaborately furnished rooms any of them had ever seen in their lives. Two women dressed in harem attire took their coats and led them into the midst of the party, which was already becoming crowded with revelers. Von Kerr greeted them as the women turned and left. "La'Ree!" He said, taking the pretty redhead's hands and kissing her fondly on both cheeks. "It is so good to see you. You are looking very lovely tonight." He raised his hand to signal someone. A large man wearing only a g-string came to him. The man was carrying to opened boxes. "And Jen'fer. You look stunning as always, my dear." He said kissing her as well. He looked at Cheryl who blushed. "And who is this beautiful creature?" He asked Jennifer. "Oh yes, This is Cheryl. Cheryl This is the Baron Von Kerr." She introduced them. Cheryl held her hand out. "I'm pleased to meet you, Mr Von Kerr" She said nicely. He bowed and kissed her hand as it was proffered. "Ju would make many men jealous having the two prettiest women, Jen'fer" He teased. Jennifer laughed easily. "Oh, they wouldn't be all that jealous if they knew how much trouble these two witches can get into." They all laughed. "Ok, La'ree, Cher'ral, You each take an envelope from this box." He said, gesturing to the box in the man's left hand. "And Jen'fer, Ju take one from the other box." They did so and Von Kerr smiled. "Now, I want all of you to enjoy yourselves, I must see to other guests." He floated off with the man tagging behind him. Cheryl looked at the envelope in her hand. "Door prizes?" She asked Jennifer who shrugged. "I don't know. But let's mingle, shall we ladies?" It was about 8:30pm Saturday night. All together, there were about 40 people in attendance. All were people that Laurie recognized from the club. She looked over and saw Harold and Bruce talking with a group of men. She walked up behind him and threw her arms around his neck. "I've been looking all over for you, my love." She whispered in his ear. "Laurie!.." He turned around and looked at her, she looked very sexy in her maid's outfit. "I swear, looking at you almost makes me want to turn straight." He told her, smiling. Laurie pouted at him. "Almost?!?!.. Harumph! I'll just have to try harder" She teased him, clinging to his arm while he introduced her to his friends. "Oh, I've seen all of you at the club. I'm sorry we've never got to meet before now." She told them. "Most of us would run from you when we saw you coming." One of them said to the delight of the rest of the group. "Oh!.. Do you mean I would have to sneak up on you just to say hello?" She asked, feigning outrage. Laurie was having a great time. "Oh yes, Harold. I don't mind you borrowing my panties.. But you simply MUST wash them before you bring them back!" She said to him. It was their own little joke, Harold smiled while the rest of his friends broke up in laughter. "Maybe you should loan him that outfit sometimes." Bruce said. "Yeah.. I may just do that!.. Oh well, you guys have fun!" She kissed him briefly on the lips and gave Bruce a kiss on the cheek before she sauntered off. Brad and Cindy were talking with Marvin and Andrea., who was Marvin's date for the evening. Brad had remarked that it was amazing that they could be divorced and still stay such good friends. "Well." Marvin said.. "If we weren't both submissive, we'd still be married. You know i'm still crazy about this girl." "Yeah, I can see why." Brad said, Cindy tried to make light of all the attention. "Oh stop it, you guys!" she said. "Yeah" Andrea said, goosing Marvin "I would hate to think I have competition for you" Cindy had dressed in an blue leather pantsuit. brad loved the way her bottom was outlined so well in the tight leather. Looking around the room, Brad noticed that all the men wore tuxedos while all the women dressed in a wild variation of different clothes. Cheryl and Laurie in maid's outfits, Andrea and Jennifer in long, elegant gowns, Donna and two other women he'd never met in daringly short skirts. He saw one or two ladies in spandex. Cindy had slipped her arm around his waist and asked him if he were enjoying himself. He was in the middle of explaining just how much he was enjoying himself, when he was stopped by Andrea who was asking about the nature of the envelopes. No one knew. it was a mystery to all except Baron Von Kerr who stood off to the side and watched as all his guests mulled about the room chatting and drinking. Cheryl and Jennifer sat and talked with Ron and Donna. They were joined by Myra, and two other men. One Jennifer knew as George, the man Cheryl had told her had the hots for Jennifer. Myra had told Jennifer that she would very much like to get together with them again. She said that she had a great time at Laurie's house. "Yes, so did I. I think we can arrange that, Myra." She said to her while she smiled. Von Kerr announced then that dinner was being served in the main dining hall. Everyone began to file into the dining room and found a place somewhere around the giant sized table. It was near 10:00 by the time coffee was served after the dinner, which was in reality a feast for a king. Von Kerr stood and jingled his wine glass to get everyone's attention. "Thank you. I want to begin by welcoming all of you to my home. With the hopes that all of you have a wonderful time." He paused while everyone clapped their appreciation for all the work he put into the party. "Thank you, please." He said, waiting for quiet before continuing. "I'm sure you are wondering about the envelope you were given when you arrived. each dominant person here has a number on a card inside their envelope. That number will be your partner for the first round of the sexual games. Every submissive person also has a number. When you find your juxtaposing number, the paired people will then retire to one of the bedrooms with a key in the lock. There are plenty of rooms so no one need to worry." He looked around and saw several smiles coming from the guests. "The rules are, you have 1 hour to be with your first partner. Of course, what you do in that hour is entirely up to you and your partner. Each room is furnished with several different things. Some may contain different things than others." He paused once again. "And now, if you all will follow me into the main room... We can open our envelopes and let the festivities begin." "Oh yes, one other thing..... If you do not see a key in the door. Do not enter. And make sure you remove the key when you enter your room." He moved from the table and walked from the room, followed by the 40 or so guests. Laurie and Cheryl stood with Jennifer while they opened their envelopes. Laurie had a 3, and Cheryl had a 9 while Jennifer had a 7 on her card. Within 30 seconds, several men and a one or two women flocked around the two ladies in maid's outfits, comparing cards. Jennifer smiled as they all walked away disappointed. "Well, ladies.. I must go find my partner." She winked at Laurie and Cheryl. "I'll see you in an hour." She said as she walked away. Laurie looked and saw people already walking up the stairs in twos. She saw that Myra was with Bruce and wondered to herself what THAT would be like. It began to occur to her that she could be paired with a gay person. Donna and Cindy walked to where Laurie and Cheryl were standing. "Might as well make them come to us." Cindy said. Cheryl giggled and looked up to see Andrea approaching. "Do any of you have a 4?" she asked. Cindy had a 12 while Donna had a 2. "You know" Cheryl said. "I think that woman over there had a 12" pointing at a woman Cindy knew as Janice. Cindy nodded and walked up to the woman. "Do you have 12?" She asked her. "Yes I do." Cindy held her arms out. "It looks like we're matched." She said showing her the card. "Ahhh, Ok.. She we go upstairs then?" Cindy nodded and walked along side of Janice toward the stairs. Brad walked up with a 3 and smiled when he saw Laurie's card. "It's my dream come true." He said as Laurie took his arm and walked off with him. "It's just you and I now." Donna said to Cheryl. "Yes.. Who are you hoping for?" Cheryl asked her. Donna giggled. "I was hoping for Brad.. but maybe i'll get hold of him later." Harold matched with Andrea and walked a step behind the pretty black woman as they went to find a room. Von Kerr made his way across the room and matched his card with Donna. He slipped his hand to her lower back and patted her cute rump. "Come along, my dear. You and I get my private bedroom" Donna turned and waved to Cheryl, who watched in envy while Donna and Von Kerr disappeared up the stairs. A woman in black spandex walked up to Cheryl. "Hi, I'm Christine. I couldn't help but notice that you weren't paired yet." Cheryl introduced herself and showed the woman her card. Christine also had a 9. "Oh dear." Christine said. "My husband will be so jealous when I tell him about you." She smiled at the young brunette. "Do you mind being with a woman?" She asked as she gently took her arm and started walking. "No ma'am. I don't mind." Cheryl decided right away that she liked Christine. Jennifer had matched with one of the men who were in Harold's group. The guy's name was Jack. Okay, there's all the important pairings for round 1